Me & Mrs. Claus

- written by Kenny Gamble, Leon Huff and Cary Gilbert
  Extra Lyrics By John Owen

Me and Mrs. Claus,
We got a thing going on,
We both know that it's wrong
But it's much too strong to let it cool down now.
We meet ev'ry day Year, The only time Santa's not there
Six thirty on Christmas Eve.
We'll be sipping egg nogg Chillin' by the yule log
While the elfs sing christmas songs.

Me and Mrs., Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus,
We got a thing going on,
We both know that it's naughty,
But she's one crazy lady, once she lets her hair down
We gotta be extra careful, You how the elfs love to let rumors fly
If  Santa see us under the the mistletoe, In my stocking there will be only coal

Me and Mrs., Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus,
We got a thing going on,
Just of one little kiss
Santa's gonna cross me off the his list, he won't have to check it twice
Well, it's time for me to be leaving,
Man it's so cold, it's so cold, it's so cold, it's so cold outside
Now she'll go her way and I'll go mine,
But next year we'll meet the same place, the same time.
Me and Mrs., Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Claus,

Can't let Santa find out now
or who knows what he'll bring me yea
Soap on a rope, I'll be lucky to get some Brut by Faberge
Or maybe he'll bring me his .44