Funky Little Christmas
Words & Music By John Owen

Click the underlined words to get a reminder of , or if you
weren't there it the first place, those great toys I'm talking about

The daily paper sitting in it's machine, I put in 35 cents to set it free.
Sat down on the bench waiting for my bus.
Pulled out the holiday ad from Toys R Us.
Started thinks about Christmas back in the day.
Big smile on my face while the number 8 bus drove away.
Drifting Back, to Christmas's past, with all the joy and the magic
Back when my age was a single digit

Jump up it's half past four, Time to crash the living room door
So many presents we've really scored. A funky little Christmas
We've been more naughty then nice, Maybe Santa doesn't really check his list twice
Wake up Mom & Dad to this beautiful site. A funky little Christmas

Hot wheels track revin' to go, There's a kung fu grip on my G.I.Joe
Spirograph all ready spinnin', The galaxy safe because of Major Matt Mason
I got every thing I wanted and so much more, Including 3rd degree burns from the Vac-u-form. Lincoln Logs, an ABA basketball
There's more presents lets get to them, Oh no batteries not included

Chorus 2x

Ho Ho Ho What do you say, Finally it's here Christmas day
Time for joy and all the fun Felt like this day never would come
Went to bed early so morning would get here
Couldn't sleep I was all jacked up on hot Dr. Pepper
The Kids today have dot coms and major multimedia
All we needed was a Sears wish book the size of an encyclopedia

Take a look, There's more to go
Let's all shout and jump for joy

Electric Football, Toy's wall to wall
Wake up Dad I know he's tried But some assemble may be required

Chorus (Fade Out)