Are You Ready For Some
Electric Football?

I wanted an electric football game so badly and I got one. It had the Rams vs. Cowboys. I loved that game but it really was more like electric Rugby. Really you could only run. The quarterback was worthless. To throw a pass you would have to run a play then stop the game when the receiver was open, put the little felt football in the QB's arm. Then watch as he threw it out of the stadium. He was also the kicker and the point after was far from a gimme. There were many fine techniques like bending the little feet on the bottoms of the players bases to make them move one way or another. Making players hook arms and spin 'round & 'round. And the mega tackle, that's where you hit the stadium and all the players go flying.

Here's how the players changed over the years

It didn't matter how the Quarterback Changed. He still Stunk!